MIT Oracle Matrix SHD 120bw Rev.2 Speaker Cables

Säljes av: krystian
Medlem sedan: 2024-10-07
Inlagd: 2024-10-07 05:51

  • MIT Oracle Matrix SHD 120bw Rev.2 Speaker Cables


Kategori: Kablar    Stockholm/Stockholm: Visa på karta

The Matrix is sleek and rakish in appearance, and beautifully finished in a multi-
coat Ferrari silver. The new CNC machined T6 aluminum billet enclosure isolates
and protects sympathetic vibrations from entering the internal networks to avoid
any loss of image. This extra measure dramatically reduces the possibility of
additional distortions entering the system at elevated sound pressure levels. Built
to exacting tolerances from end to end, the Oracle Matrix SHD120 Rev.2 is the
ultimate interface for the discerning audiophile!

The Bi-Wire version of the Oracle Matrix SHD120 Rev.2 offers 124 Poles of
Articulation in standard mode, or a full 149 Poles of Articulation in high definition
(FAT) mode.

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Medlem sedan: 2024-10-07

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