Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM

Säljes av: Simon Bring
Medlem sedan: 2024-02-10
Inlagd: 2025-01-20 08:12

  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM
  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM
  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM
  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM
  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM
  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM
  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM
  • Mätinstrument Keithley 197 autoranging microvolt DMM


Kategori: Övrigt    Kronoberg/Uppvidinge: Visa på karta

Keithley 197 Autoranging Microvolt digital
multimeter. Högkvalitativt labinstrument som
fungerar bra.
5,5 digits. Ej perfekt skick, handtaget saknas.

DC Voltage 200 mV to 1000 V FS in decade
ranges, 1 µV to 10 mV LSD
DC Current 200 µA to 10 A FS in decade ranges,
1 nA to 100 µA LSD
AC Voltage 200 mV to 750 V FS in decade
ranges, True RMS
AC Current 200 µA to 10 A FS in decade ranges,
True RMS
Resistance 200 O to 200 MO FS in decade
ranges, 1 mO to 10 kO LSD, diode test in 2 kO and
200 kO ranges


Säljes av:
Simon Bring
Medlem sedan: 2024-02-10
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